GUEST POST| Discovering Spain’s Vuelta a España Route


Perhaps known more for its gorgeous beaches and bustling cities, Spain holidays are great for a number of reasons, though many people may overlook the country when considering cycling breaks. However, there are some fantastic cycle routes throughout the country that are well worth checking out if you’re a keen cyclist considering where to take your next break.

The Vuelta a España is the last of the professional Grand Tours and usually takes place towards the end of August, following the Tour de France and the Giro d’Italia. While it is perhaps considered to be the least important of the tours, it still attracts some world class cyclists and highlights the amazing cycling culture in Spain. If you fancy riding where the professionals race or merely want to learn more about the sights that it takes in, here is a brief guide to the route.

Split into four sections, the Vuelta begins in Galicia, a stunning city that boasts some incredible Baroque architecture. It’s a wonderful place to explore by bike, with many wending streets and alleys to navigate down, where you can get a real feel for life in the area. From here the bikers will move onto Extremadura which has a fine selection of paradors – luxury hotels built into historical buildings. Splashing out to stay at some of these exquisite hotels is absolutely worth it if you’re hoping for a really special holiday. You can find some fantastic deals online if you’re willing to look.

Heading south, the cyclists end up in Andalusia. Along the way you can visit the Alhambra palace at Granada and see Jerez where the annual flamenco festival takes place. You’ll be surrounded by stunning mountain vistas, crystal clear lakes and quaint houses nestled among the beautiful scenery. For more experienced cyclists, there are intense tours of this area available, visiting the castles of Andalusia – a fantastic idea if you’re interested in the history of the place.


Onto Catalonia where you can experience Barcelona in all its glory before you head toward the Pyrenees. If you’re up to it, you can cycle some of the daunting yet beautiful peaks, including the Coll d’Ordino (1,980m) and the Puerto de la Bonaigua (2,090m). Bear in mind though that these routes will be extremely strenuous, so only attempt them if you are confident of your abilities.

Riders then stream down to Asturias, which boasts some of the finest cuisine in Spain. You may like to take a break from cycling here and hike across the Picos de Europa mountain range. The final segment of the Vuelta will no doubt push even the most experienced professionals to their limit with a 1,266m ascent in just 12.5km, which probably isn’t advisable if you’ve just spent a week cycling through the Spanish countryside!

However you choose to see it, Spain by bike will make for a fantastic holiday with innumerable wonderful memories.

Tim Morton is a keen amateur cyclist and travel blogger
Image by Phranet (Previewand Bert Kaufmann (Previewused under creative commons licence
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  1. I first thought, it 'moron. My bad. I like your blog, by the way. I have not been a 'tourist' in my own country when I was there. I deeply regret it.

  2. Thank you much for this nice information i want to see the beauty of this Spanish country but due to budget reason i am not able to afford the traveling expenses but now i must plan to go their and cycling is an easy way to see detail and beauty of every part of this country thanks for giving me detail of this cycling route of Spain to view this grand country....


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