Morion's PhotoGallery 101| "Guyabano"

Featured shots were taken on March 17, 2012 at Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte using GE x500 Camera.

TRIVIA: Soursop (English) /Guyabano's scientific name is Annona Muricata. The wonder fruit known as The Natural Cancer Cell Killer is  native to Philippines. Scientific studies proved that Guyabano tree's bark, leaves and fruits contains one chemical that is 10,000 times the potency of the chemotherapy drug Adriamycin.

The heart-shaped fruit's flower
"Si Kuya at si Bunso"
A closer shot
Unedited photograph of  Nature's Wonder

Photographs featured in this post are taken during Traveling Morion's journeying in Mindanao.


  1. Guyabano is delicious! I really wish the scientists would do an extensive study about its cancer-killing capabilities, instead of guyabano being treated as an alternative medicine and the knowledge being spread through word of mouth alone. The big pharma companies will not be thrilled but the thought of defeating something as ominous as cancer with something as simple, abundant, and relatively inexpensive as guyabano is quite a thrill.

  2. Parang Science project.hehe. :) The wonders of nature right before my eyes. :)

  3. tnx guys for dropping here:) backyard fruit yan dito sa staff house namin sa Surigao City

  4. wow!! ng ka family bigla ang Gyabano.. ;)

  5. ganun pala lumalaki ang fruit na guyabano... favorite ko yan, especially pag malamig... hehehe!

  6. i never knew there's beauty in guyabano... i love the fruit but it's amazing that you captured its growth...

  7. wow! didn't know gnyan pla tumubo ang guyabano :)

  8. i miss our guyabano tree beside our house. i used to incude the flower in my lutu lutuan series when I was a kid..

  9. i love eating guyabano but never really took notice on the tree, we used to have one back in the province...

  10. Love your very creative descriptions on each of your photos. Makes the Guyabano fruit more interesting..hehe!

  11. Haven't had some guyabanos in ages. I so wanna try the sour but sweet flesh that nobody can go wrong with. I don't think the cancer cell potential is too good to be true because I've heard many positive feedbacks from other people.

  12. that's a common fruit in our backyard in the province. I love eating that fruit while riding at the back of the kalabaw too. hehe

  13. Love the photos! I'm not a big fan of guyabano, but I'd love to have a glass of guyabano shake now.. :D

  14. ang cute ni kuya at ni bunso :D Guyabano is one of the fruits that I don't get tired of eating. I love anything sour.
    Useful trivia, too! :)

  15. I've always been a fan of Guyabanos since childhood. I love eating them with salt and cold. That sweet-sour juice it gives out parties in my mouth and makes me really happy! =)

  16. guyabano is one of my favorite fruit. i remember when i was a little girl, my mom used to buy it because of me. for me this is the best pasalubong everytime she comes home from the market.

  17. Some of my friends told me that a GE X500 camera takes good photographs. ^_^

  18. nice shot :)
    i want that heart shaped flower :O

  19. I also love guyabano. We used to put it in a blender and make fresh shakes. I rarely see it being sold here in Manila though but we have guyabano in our backyard in Zamboanga :)

  20. I think this is a different variety of Guyabano..because it looks different than the Guyabano we have in the province...and yes, I love Guyabano...

  21. Quoting,"The wonder fruit known as The Natural Cancer Cell Killer is native to Philippines."

    Wow! That is the good news there! Thanks for the wonderful info. And your shots took it away!

  22. Nice photos! Guyabano looks kinda scary no?


    ..i love how you photograph the Guyabano! :)

  24. Such crystal clear shots :) Not the biggest fan of that fruit though. But nice to see it in beautiful manner :)

  25. Such crystal clear shots :) Not the biggest fan of that fruit though. But nice to see it in beautiful manner :)

  26. I miss my childhood suddenly. I used to eat this fruit those days.

    Your photographs are outstanding.

  27. nakakamiss na mga prutas ng pinas! pero nakakita kami dito minsan guyabano nasa cup frozen.. sarap!

    love your shots!

  28. So that's what the guyabano fruit looks like :O

    OT: Nice bokeh on the shot :D

  29. finally! i know the English of Guyabano. Been debating with friends with this haha.

  30. Tnx eugene and athena for droppin here;)

  31. Guyabano leaf as shared by my friends and aunt has such many cure pala :) Gosh I have to research more of it pa. Thanks for your post!

  32. Nice shots very clear--- i love it. And your guyabano post is very informative--- jst too bad for me coz im not a fan of this fruit.

  33. My mama loves guyabano when she was still alive! Sometimes you could buy it for 13.00 per fruit from our town. I just don't know how much is it in Metro Manila.

  34. Ang ganda ng mga pics bro. Very natural!

  35. it's trofical fruits in indonesia..cos i,m indonesian it's called NANGKA..this fruit containing all benefit to our health in herbal medication it's always used to cure cancer....

  36. tnx fuadherbal for dropping here! oh i see, NANGKA or Langka is Jackfruit here in the Philippines:)...


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